Do you have normal to oily skin? Do you prefer a matte finish and one that cuts down on redness or discoloration? Have you wanted to try a different foundation to simply change-up your routine? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I am sharing a foundation roundup today that might provide a solution for you. Each of these have been tested for months in various weather conditions.
Makeup Forever Mat Velvet + Mattifying Foundation
The claim is that this foundation provides full coverage, controlling shine and can last for hours. It’s oil free and water-resistant. Moreover, it is non-comedogenic and non-irritating. Upon trying this foundation many months ago, I was immediately impressed that it didn’t changed colors. The absolute worst is a foundation that changes ghostly white or an uncanny dark shade after oxidizing. Ain’t nobody got time for that. This has definitely stood the test of time for color matching. Additionally, I will support that it is true in proving a matte finish and doesn’t transfer. Overall, I would recommend this foundation for staying power and color compatibility. I would also give a big thumbs up for not causing breakouts for someone with sensitive skin. The only downside is that it can come off a little too powdery or cake like for my skin type which is more combination. I simply adjusted by adding bronzer and a highlighter and it completely toned that down.
Bobbi Brown Long Wear Weightless Foundation SPF 15
This particular foundation is described to be matte finish additionally providing long wear. It is also supposed to be sweat proof, waterproof and humidity resistant. Additionally being one that is also non-acenegnic. For starters, I will definitely say that this foundation did not break me out which again is a huge win. The color matching was wonderful with also no issue of color change with oxidation. It also did a tremendous job with covering redness and was so smooth with application. This foundation honestly was radiant and seemed to make my skin glow. However, for my particular skin type, there was one gigantic problem. When the weather turned unseasonably warm a few weeks ago and the humidity glared its lovely face, this foundation did not hold up. I began to shine like a diamond within hours, which is not what you want in a matter foundation. Furthermore, it began to transfer if I touched any part of my face. If this had not happened I would have been the biggest fan of this foundation. I did layer a primer under this foundation which was the same used for the other two. Fingers crossed that perhaps a new primer can correct this problem. But, I worry that with the heat and high humidity in summer, this foundation just will not have the staying power.
Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-Place Foundation
Medium to full coverage with staying power. Here is the skinny, I have worn this foundation for YEARS. It truly holds up to its name as I have worn it year round in all types of weather conditions and seasons. Providing a lovely match to the skin and never transfers which is what I am looking for in a matte makeup. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” as we say in the south, so this foundation continues to be hands down the winner in my book. Literally, the only downside is that it is not buildable. Put on what you need to cover and that’s it. Truly, you shouldn’t need more than that as it truly covers well and tones down any discolorations as well.
Searching for new foundations can be somewhat of a pain but can be so rewarding when you find one you love. Hopefully this foundation roundup helps in your journey.
Makeup Forever Mat + Mattifying Foundation Makeup // Bobbi Brown Skin Long-Wear Weightless Foundation // Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-Makeup