Social Distancing and How to Cope

Call your people – Whether this is family or friends or both, do it EVERY SINGLE day. Social Distancing doesn’t mean we can’t stay connected. In fact, we should now be using social media and technology to pull us closer together. I have literally had FaceTime with my nephews and niece each day. My spirit is immediately lifted when I hear their voices and see their faces. It’s also my responsibility to be there for them. Staying connected with one another will see us through!

Bake a cake – yea you heard me. I am not saying over indulge in everything. But, give yourself some comfort food. I made my famous Chocolate Chip cake on Sunday night. The entire house smelled of yummy goodness and boy did it taste amazing!

Keep moving – I am sincerely missing my CycleBar classes. I started back in January and have become utterly addicted. More to come on that once we are back to normal. But, for now, going for walks with my hubby were my focus for this past week. You have to get some exercise. It’s good for your mind and body. Just stay away from others.

Shop small – If you are able, support local small businesses. More than likely, the large corporations will bounce back and likely quickly once this comes to an end. However, the smaller businesses, especially those without online means will certainly struggle. I will be sharing soon on how I am definitely doing my part.

Organize – select one area to organize for the week. Don’t laugh, but mine literally has been to unpack from a recent trip this week. I am legit the worst at unpacking. I will plan for weeks in advance for a trip, but absolutely hate unpacking. Anyone feel the same? For the coming week, my home office is my project. It’s a hot mess and I need my space back to work especially while being home now.

Hold to your Faith – we watched our service from Transformation Church from our couch on Sunday morning. Two major points hit home for me. One, it doesn’t matter where you are, God will meet you there. And secondly, we are all experiencing fear and that is okay and it’s normal. Rely on your faith to help see you through the fear. God is bigger than any mountain and he will see us through.

Laugh – find something to make you giggle. Whether it’s a movie or even something goofy, get in the good belly laughs. This week I accidentally sent a text about online shopping to a local photographer, Will Taylor, that I use in addition to Shay. The text was intended for a girlfriend of mine. I laughed so hard I cried. Thankfully he played right along and actually gave some fashion advice hah!

Don’t let anxiety win – trust me I have anxiety and I know first hand how easy it is to get so overwhelmed with all of this that it’s hard to see through it. My biggest piece of advice is to remove yourself from the news and social media for large periods of time. Stay informed but not obsessed. During the break times, use the strategies noted above and you will certainly find yourself more balanced and at ease!

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