You Are Gorgeous
Along with the Top Nine series for mini posts, I will be a adding letters written to you my readers inspired by experiences that we can all relate to. Letters of motivation and inspiration that everyone needs to hear and feel. My hope is that these lift your spirits when needed or simply reinforce what you already know.
Dear Beautiful,
You are beautiful. From the time you were created, every unique feature about you was designed so that you would be your own beautiful. From a tiny freckle in the eye, to a deformed collar bone, a short torso or the fact that your hazel eyes change from brown to green. Darling, you definitely have your own set of features that make you fabulous. Whether tall or short, petite or full-figured you are absolutely gorgeous. Those around you do not define your beauty and never will. That my dear is from your creator and that intent was designed for you to be adored as much as any precious jewel. You are you and that is nothing short of beautiful.